quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2022

MINIMUM of the MINIMUM (2022)

Every year for the last 30 years, a group of campers gather every summer in Garopaba, Santa Catarina in southern Brazil during carnival. They come together in tents, trailers and motorhomes for a familiar ritual: vacationing together. They are joined by adventurers from other Latin American countries, professional sportsmen, young people who want to enjoy carnival away from home, rookie and retired campers. For campers life flourishes inside a closed space, within a specific set of rules, ideals and dynamics. These are counter-spaces, contested and inverted zones where utopias are posited as more than just mere possibilities. An idealized haven within a state or nation, camping reverses and reconstitutes reality during a period of rest, retirement. And of a vacation where the celebration of abundance is the safest of all utopias.
Ha mais de 30 anos um grupo de campistas se reune todo verão em Garopaba, Santa Catarina, em barracas, Trailers, Motorhomes. São famílias que repetem um mesmo ritual: de passar as férias juntas. A esses grupos se juntam aventureiros de outros países da América Latina, esportistas profissionais, jovens que querem curtir o carnaval longe de casa, campistas iniciantes e aposentados. No camping a vida floresce dentro de um espaço fechado, com regras, ideais e uma dinâmica própria. Se assemelha aos espaços que Foucault denomina de heterotopias, lugares que são um tipo de contra-espaços, são ao mesmo tempo representados, contestados e invertidos, tipos de lugares que estão fora de todos os lugares, ainda que sejam lugares efetivamente localizáveis. Porém, ao mesmo tempo, o germe do camping brota das primerias experiências utópicas, onde a possibilidade do índividuo conviver na coletividade o coloca como uma peça dentro de uma tábua de xadrez. Percebe-se, então, o camping como um país idealizado, dentro de um país, invertendo e reconstituindo a realidade durante um período de fartura, de descanso, de férias.

terça-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2022

Interactive Film and Media 2022

Happy to participate in this publication with ˜Video-Island\Performing Environmental Imaginaries and Agency in Ilha do Mel˜. The published proceedings draw from the various and impressive contributions to the III Interactive Film and Media Conference in August 2021. They are organized into five sections according to theme. In the first two sections, the papers concentrate on social engagement. The first set of papers focuses on confinement and pandemic in the time of COVID-19. The second involves interactive responses to social issues such as migration, indigenous, refugees, and the environment. Sections three and four foreground debates about the levels of interactivity experienced in films and games. In the third set of papers, the authors focus on the medium’s capacities to involve the player or the user in interactivity, while papers comprising the fourth set question the process of immersion and explore levels of interactivity more fully. Finally, in the fifth and final section, the papers focus on the environment of digital art and media, challenging our understanding of what is an “art” and what is “human” in a digital world. Here we invite you to explore the published papers in the proceedings from the #IFM2021 Virtual Conference. Access Link here