terça-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2010


Documentário expandido de 37 minutos em 4 telas, sobre a grande festa de Oxum & Oxumarê no Ilê Olá, filmada em 2009 & 2010 e que usa meus arquivos videográficos e fotográficos de 1997-2007. Aborda o uso de telefonia celular, midias móveis & internet no candomblé. Obra pode ser vista 4 X 37 minutos, totalizando 148 minutos.
Filmed in 2009 & 2010 the documentary uses my archive of images from 1997-2007 - when the temple featured in the film opened - in order to discuss the effects of photography, new media and the internet on recent aesthetic transformations in candomblé. The project proposes a 4 screen X 39 minute projection as part of a larger multi-media exhibition on the impact of cellphone use in African Brazilian candomblé ceremonies.
The final phase of the project will result in a video-installation developed in coordination with participants, as part of a Master's dissertation at the University of São Paulo.
 Marcadores : Imprensa (Press Coverage in Portuguese)
Projeto de Mestrado na ECA-USP: Meios e Processos Audiovisuais (CTR)

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